Sustainable web design in South Africa for climate conscious clients.

We're championing to make the web a greener place by delivering web design and development services to brands that want to grow sustainably and ethically.

Get a FREE Audit Why it matters

Sustainable Web Design

The internet produces nearly as much carbon as Denmark. A Bower website is designed and built to minimise the impact it has on the environment every step of the way.

Accessible Websites

We take accessibility seriously, every website that we build aims to achieve at least AA in accessibility as standard. If you're looking for any agency that can you help you making your site more accessible then look no further.

Website optimisation

We believe that the web should be fast for everyone. We can make updates to your current site to make it as fast and sustainable as possible. If you're interested in getting a free audit for you site please let us know.

A 2MB page with views per month with generate around kg of CO2 per year

20 years ago the average page size was under 100kb. 

Today, it's around 4MB (This page is 90kb btw). The web is getting more bloated complicated all the time, huge images, autoplaying videos and over the top animations make your computer work harder and use up more energy.

At Bower we are working hard to make the web a more sustainable place. We're a web design agency that focuses on making sure that the websites we create are as planet friendly as possible whilst helping your business to grow.

Take a look at some of the sustainable websites we’ve built


On a mission to help millions of people across the UK reimagine the way they travel by creating a new culture of shared mobility.

Decision Technology

Helping businesses to understand and manage consumer decision making.

Impacted International

Delivering groundbreaking educational opportunities in marginalised communities around the world.

The Lonely Pixel

Providing sustainable freelance web design services in and around London